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Why Go Natural
What are you putting on your skin?
The skin is the largest organ of the human body and up to 60 percent of what goes onto our skin is absorbed into the bloodstream. Did you know that women will consume more then twice their body weight in toxins in their lifetime? Some believe the source of many of these toxins come from the chemicals found in the products we put on our skin and the household cleaners that we use.
Sodium lauryl sulfates (SLS) can cause the separation of skin layers & damage the immune system. Petroleum based products can kill collegian, in the layers of your skin. DEA & Cocamide –DEA produce liver & kidney cancer in mice. DEA-based detergents are found in high concentrated levels in lotions, creams, & soaps.
Lifelong use of these products thus clearly poses avoidable cancer risks to the great majority of U.S. consumers, particularly infants and young adults
-Dr. Samuel Epstein, MD Cancer Prevention Coalition
At Purple Heather Natural Skin Care, We strive to offer top quality products that will promote a healthy lifestyle. We do not use any protroleum based oils, synthetics, SLS, DEA or Cocamide ingredients in any of our products.
All of Purple Heather’s creations are hand made, using only natural products. You will not find any petroleum, synthetics or formaldehyde in anything we make. Purple Heather does not test any of our products on animals and we offer a variety of vegan friendly items. Although we use all natural products, there are some products that are not safe for everyone. If you are pregnant please note that it is recommended that you stay away from the following essential oils: Basil, Cedarwood, Clary Sage, Fennel, Jasmine, Lavender, Marjoram, Myrrh, Rose,Rosemary, Sage, Thyme.
We at Purple Heather are not medical practitioners and do not diagnose, treat or prescribe in any shape, manner or form. Always discuss with your medical practitioner before using any alternative medicines, natural supplements, or vitamins.
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